Here you will find the latest articles about our new products, along with updated information about legislation, road safety, our latest customer testimonials, etc.
A global Campaign for Safer Roads: #MakeASafetyStatement launched in nearly 80 countries
Since 2023, the United Nations has been leading a decisive fight against a “silent pandemic” : road accidents. Each year, these tragedies claim the lives of 1.2 milion people worldwide and seriously injure 50 milion others. The #MakeASafetyStatement campaign, part of the Decade of Action for Road Safety, aims to reduce road fatalities by 50% […]
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Exclusive Interview with Eric Cesbron: The Rise of Elan City and Its Global Ambition
Elan City, a major player in the road safety equipment market, continues to strengthen its global commitment. Its president and founder, Eric Cesbron, was recently interviewed by the French economic magazine Challenges as part of the Club Entrepreneurs Challenges – Montefiore Investisment. He shares key moments in the compan’y history, its positioning in this niche […]
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The Greek City of Evia Strengthens Road Safety with EVOLIS Vision Radar Speed Signs
Faced with numerous fatal accidents caused by inappropriate speed on the national highway E077 between Chalkida and Psachni, the authorities of the city of Evia, in Greece, in collaboration with the Panos Mylonas Road Safety Institute, have taken concrete measures to improve road safety. Among these measures, the installation of EVOLIS Vision radar speed signs […]
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World Energy Day: Elan City, a Commited Actor for a Sustainable Future
On October 22nd, World Energy Day reminds us of the importance of transitioning to sustainable energy sources. At Elan City, we have made solar energy a priority to design road safety solutions with a low environnemental impact. Our devices, such as the EVOLIS Vision Radar Speed Sign and the EVOCITY LED Information Display Board, operate […]
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The EVOLIS Vision Speed Radar Tested on Europe’s Longest Karting Track
Elan City, a leader in the design of road safety solutions, recently conducted an original test of the EVOLIS Vision radar speed sign. This time, the device was tested on a karting track, specifically at Karting Solokart in Pléssé, known for being the longest track in Europe. The goal of this experiment: to verify the […]
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